Invisible Lives, Silent Voices : Opening Session : Ways of (Not) Seeing Pain – Dr Jana Cattien (ASCA, University of Amsterdam)

Jeudi 17 novembre  18h – 20h en ligne

1st session of the “Invisible Lives, Silent Voices” International Seminar co-organised by Alice Borrego (EMMA, Université Paul Valéry Montpellier 3), Héloïse Lecomte (IRHIM, ENS Lyon), Dr Gero Guttzeit (Ludwig-Maximilians Universität München) and Professor Esther Peeren (ASCA, University of Amsterdam).


Invisible Lives, Silent Voices: Ways of (Not) Seeing Pain  – Dr Jana Cattien (ASCA, University of Amsterdam)

In Scenes of Subjection, Saidiya Hartman critiques the humanist construction of pain as a ‘common language of humanity’. White identification with the pain of black slaves, she showed, was possible only insofar as the white body could be substituted in for the black body in pain. Black pain was therefore visible to white abolitionists only if it could also be made intelligible as white pain. In this talk, I want to explore these vectors of (in)visibility as they might pertain to a feminist and anti-racist politics of pain. Drawing on resources from critical phenomenology, I argue that a critical politics of pain must be attuned to the ways in which political practices of ‘making pain visible’ remain indebted to structures of invisibility. Only then can attention to marginalised pain interrupt—rather than reinforce— sedimented habits of seeing.

Dr Jana Cattien is Assistant Professor in Social and Political Philosophy at the University of Amsterdam, in the capacity group Philosophy and Public Affairs. She works mainly in feminist philosophy, critical race theory and postcolonial theory. Her work has been published or is forthcoming in Radical Philosophy, Philosophy and Social Criticism, Angelaki, New German Critique, Hypatia, Signs and Feminist Theory. She is currently pursuing two research projects: one on the politics of pain; and one on Sino-Orientalism. 

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Alice Borrego vous invite à une réunion Zoom planifiée.

Sujet : Invisible Lives, Silent Voices - Ways of (Not) Seeing Pain

Heure : 17 nov. 2022 06:00 PM Paris

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ID de réunion : 939 6316 5350 / Code secret : 213207

Dernière mise à jour : 15/11/2022