It was planned to organise, every semester, an international and interdisciplinary seminar that would take place alternately in Montpellier and in another city, on the occasion of a puppet theatre festival for example. This programme had to be adapted to the health context.
The second PuppetPlays seminar was already held "virtually" from Montpellier, but this organisation did not allow a wider audience. This is why the new series of monthly live meetings took place on the PuppetPlays Facebook page. These meetings were open to all, everyone could ask questions in the discussion area, and the recordings are available:
- Wednesday 27 january 2021: « Répertoire populaire, répertoire littéraire : emprunts et circulations (à propos de La Tentation de saint Antoine) », intervention in French by Didier Plassard, .
- Tuesday 23 february 2021: « Drammaturgia della figura : il repertorio d’autore»,round table in Italian, organisation and moderation by Francesca Di Fazio.
- Tuesday 23 march 2021: « A play for living puppets: actors play the role of puppets, around 1800 », presentation in English by Jean Boutan on some pieces of German-language literature.
- Tuesday 20 april 2021: « Marionnettes et théâtre documentaire », round table in French, organisation and moderation by Carole Guidicelli.