This booklet will be your guide throughout your first year at university and its aim is to facilitate your integration and to help you to get to know this institution better, because over the weeks to come it will become your university.
As soon as you arrive on the campus, you will notice new buildings being constructed. These will be spaces which will provide an improved welcome for students, and where they will be able to find guidance and help as they move on through their university career.
In this booklet you will find information about all the departments and the courses provided by the faculties, institutes, postgraduate schools and the SUFCO as well as information about the Atrium, or learning centre, which will be open in a few months and which will be equipped with all the latest technologies, like an ultramodern university library. Then, by 2022, the Nexus project, focussed on innovation and digital humanities, will be the place where you will learn the professions of tomorrow. You will also discover the newly designed layout of the campus as well as a biodiversity model.
Your campus is located on 3 sites: Route de Mende, north of the city, Saint-Charles in the city centre, dedicated to research, and Du-Guesclin at Béziers.
The Campus has been recognised and classified as 20th century cultural heritage and you’ll have great pleasure in wandering about, between classes, discovering the Mediterranean vegetation and green spaces and relaxing outside when the weather is fine.
You will get to know your faculty, your institute and your course programme and you’ll also have the chance to discover new activities (culture, sports, etc.) and engage in various associations. You can take part in some of the 300 or more events that take place on the campus each year.
Our university is also a place for inventiveness and culture and its role as a major cultural player is well recognised. This is built around the University Cultural Centre which brings together three important amenities that you can enjoy: La Vignette Theatre, registered as a «national interest performance space», the Musée des Moulages casts museum and the symphony orchestra!
It just remains for me to say ‘Happy reading’ of this guide and to wish you an excellent and constructive year in our university, crowned with success.
Patrick Gilli
President, University Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3