University of arts, letters, humanities and social sciences
As a University of arts, letters, humanities and social sciences, our mission is to train students and support student professionalization, by forging links with external partners. Our responsibility does not stop here, however, as our University is also a major investor in culture. The University is a fully-fledged cultural stakeholder and, as such, is engaged in territorial networking, by fostering and strengthening partnerships.
The University is already involved in diverse collaborative arts projects with local cultural structures and authorities, initiated by Research Centres, training programmes or the Cultural Centre and its artistic structures (La Vignette Theatre, Museum of Mouldings, Medieval Music Centre and the University Orchestra). Some partnerships are Metropolitan, (Comédie du Livre book fair, Fabre Museum etc.), some regional, via the Regional Fund for Contemporary Art, and others departmental, with the Printemps des Comédiens theatre festival…and many more, as some partnerships, for training in particular, transcend national borders. The University aims to go further still, federating and strengthening existing links, by fostering greater coherence and visibility.
Certain partnerships may be one-shot, while others are more sustained, and can lead to framework agreements. (Cinemed and Tropisme Festivals, Fabre Museum, Comédie du livre book fair, Les Boutographies, La Panacée, La Scène Nationale de Sète et du Bassin de Thau Theatre, etc.)
INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE - Agreement with the Fabre Museum
Instructions for use for staff
The Fabre museum, a major player on the regional art scene, exhibits a collection of 900 works on approximately 9,200m². Since the museum reopened in 2007, following several years of refurbishment, its cultural policy has been centred on accessibility and outreach, particularly to higher education and universities.
With a wealth of artwork, including paintings, artefacts, sculpture and graphic arts, covering a broad chronological period from the 14th to the 21st century, the Fabre Museum has become an iconographic and scientific resource for students.
The CCU (University Cultural Centre) was launched at Paul-Valéry University in 2015. The Museum of Mouldings, the La Vignette Theatre and the Orchestra, now belong to a single management and programming structure.
The CCU aims to be an arts hub in greater Montpellier and offers project support at all stages of the creative process, from the idea to conservation, dissemination and production.
In 2017, an agreement was signed between the museum and Paul-Valéry University Cultural Centre, binding the two institutions.
This provides for a series of tools for professors and staff, aimed at facilitating projects with the Fabre museum.
>> download instructions for use (in French)