Meet & Speak – International Student Integration

Le Mardi, 26. novembre 2019 -
15:30 - 17:30
MDE salle Charles-Camproux

Tu es étudiant-e-s international ? Etudiant-e-s en langues ? Ou tu veux simplement améliorer ton niveau en langues ? L'événement Meet & Speak est fait pour toi !

 Les Meet& Speak sont des rencontres linguistiques internationales organisées par l'asso ISI.

Le but est d’échanger dans une langue qui n’est pas la sienne. En plus d’améliorer son niveau en langues, c’est l’occasion parfaite pour rencontrer de nouvelles personnes !

Insciption par !

A très vite !

You are an international student, a language lover, or you simply want to improve your language skills? This Meet &Speak event is made for you!

A Meet & Speak is an international language exchange. The goal is to have a conversation with someone speaking a language that is not yours. It is a way to improve your language skills but also to meet new people!

You can come alone or with friends: everyone is welcome here! Food and drinks will be offered as well as activities to facilitate the dialogue.

We will also use this occasion to introduce you to our association. We will explain who we are, what we do and what we have planned for you during the year.

Do not hesitate to tell us if you want to come : + info

See you !

Dernière mise à jour : 20/11/2019