New Insights into the Sasanian Archaeology from its Homeland (Fars) : Excavations at Tole Qaleh Seyfabad (TQS), Southwestern Iran

Le Mardi, 19. juin 2018 - 0:00
Site Saint-Charles

Conférence de Parsa GHASEMI (Doctorant, Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne)

Nouvelles découvertes au coeur du monde sassanide dans le Fars (Iran)
Deux saisons des fouilles archéologiques à Tole Qaleh Seyfabad


Programme AMIDA (Archéologie-Mesure-Innovation-Développement-Anatolie)



Abstract :

Sasanian empire was one of the powerful empires of the late antiquity in the east. This empire was founded by Ardashir I, who was born in city of Istakhr in Fars state, southern Iran, and was crowned in 226 A.D. The territory of the Sasanian empire during four centuries (ca. 224-651 A.D.) enclosed most parts of the Middle East and Central Asia.

After the rise of the Sasanian empire, most of the Southwest and Central Asia were politically and economically dominated by them. In terms of complicated cultural criteria, the Sasanian political, economical and social entities were more sophisticated and powerful than the earlier governments. Existence of a powerful administrative and managerial hierarchy that administered the central state’s policies gave rise to development and florescence of a great empire.

The site of Tole Qaleh Seyfabad, located in the south of the major Sasanian city of so called Bishâpûr, is one of the most important Sasanian sites in southwestern Iran.

In the autumn of 2014 and 2017, Parsa Ghasemi and his colleagues conducted two seasons of excavation at this site. The main aims of the fieldwork were to get a more detailed picture of the Sasanian period in the mainland of this empire. The finds consist of remain of a regular architecture building with several functions for office; storage; and workshop, in addition to a large number of Sasanian clay bullae related to the advanced administrative system, different kind of pottery, evidence of a mass advanced wet agriculture technique, many objects   made of clay, stone, metal and glass that were attributed to the commercial and economical activities were found.

This seminar shows the importance of the site during the Sasanian period and presents some noticeable findings during the excavations of this site.




Dernière mise à jour : 05/06/2018